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Non-Scale Victories

NUMA Fitness

By Nikki Gentes

Does the number on the scale stress you out? Do you weigh yourself more than once per week? Do you find your mood effected by your weight?

Often, when we are doing a workout program, the scale is not a reliable, true, indicator of progress. Other things need to be taken into account, like how our clothes are fitting, how we FEEL, how our strength has improved, and how solid our nutrition has become.

We often hear “Enjoy the Journey”. While this isn’t always the easiest to do, a good way to put this practice into place is to take the time to celebrate our NonScale Victories while we are striving to reach our goals!

What VICTORIES are you experiencing? Are you waking up BEFORE your alarm?? Are your pants not as snug?? Are you sleeping better? Are you thinking more positively?? These are all SUCCESSES that improve our life and relationships! What is more important than that??

ake the time to notice your NON-SCALE VICTORIES. Pause and be PROUD of YOURSELF! Share them with the people that love you! And really start ENJOYING YOUR JOURNEY!!

Much love, Nikki


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