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Stop the Guilt!

NUMA Fitness

By Nikki Gentes

I hear a lot from my clients about feelings of guilt and regret when they miss a workout. Let’s put a stop to this! It just takes having a plan!

Look at your week before it starts and plan for how many workouts you will get in and on which days. Write your schedule down. Whether it’s in your gym’s app, your phone calendar or good old-fashioned notebook (that’s me😉😉).

This helps for a couple reasons. First, when you wake up and feel like hitting your alarm and rolling back to bed, you will remember that you are only working out certain days of the week. Not every day! The other days you will be able to sleep in! And enjoy it!

If you DO end up missing a workout, for whatever reason, don’t beat yourself up. It just means you will need to get it in on one of your planned “off days”. Be flexible. Don’t feel like getting it in later in the week? Then get up and get it done!

When we have a plan for the day/week and life happens, we adjust and keep going!

Stay focused on the big picture! Consistency is key! NOT PERFECTION!

Keep going!



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