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What’s the NUMBER ONE thing you need to reach your fitness goals?

NUMA Fitness

By Coach Kelly

A few weeks ago I was watching one of my favorite trainers do a live video on Facebook. She titled it "The number one thing you need to lose fat." This was part of her summer fat loss series.

She waited a few minutes to get started and in those few minutes I saw several impatient comments like,

"Ooh is it a new product?”

"New shake?"

"Fat burner?"

"New diet plan?"

But I knew exactly what the answer was when I read the title.

Do you know what it is?

It’s not a pill or a drink mix. It’s not a specific diet plan or shake. It’s not a magic potion.

It’s quite simple actually.


Consistency is the number one thing you need to lose fat.

This doesn’t just apply to fat loss. This is true for any fitness goal! ( all goals in general really! )

Whatever your fitness goals may be - whether it’s fat loss, weight loss, muscle gain, strength building - or maybe you just want to workout to feel more energized or just for general health benefits - you need day to day consistency!

I saw a quote the other day that had me nodding YES! It said "success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently." So very true.

We don’t lose weight or bust through plateaus by working out and sticking to a diet plan for 3 days. We gain success by making those good decisions over and over and over again.

If we want to be successful, we have got to commit. We have got to lay out our goals and turn them into a plan and then stick to that plan!

Let’s say your goal is to make it to the gym 4-5 days a week. Perfect! Write it in your calendar. Book those classes online. Don’t treat it like it’s optional. Treat it like you would any important appointment and then show up!

Tip 1 - Remind Yourself!

Here’s a little tip if you’ve hit that mid summer slump. ( later nights make it that much easier to wanna hit snooze in the morning ):

Write down on a post it exactly why you want to get to that workout and something positive about how it makes you feel. And don’t merely focus on "I want to lose weight". Make it something more inspiration like, "I know after I workout I’ll feel energized and have more energy to play with my kids" or "I always feel Less stressed after my workout".

Stick that post it on your phone or alarm clock so it’s the first thing you see in the morning. That way before you hit snooze , you’ll be reminded of how good you’ll feel after you go.

If you workout in the evening , stick that reminder on your computer or in your car

Tip 2 - Reward Yourself!

Another tip , create a reward system for yourself. Tell yourself you’re going to make it to the gym 4-5 days a week all month. Then when you do, get your self a cute new workout tank or some new running shoes. Maybe treat yourself to a massage or a new book to read Plan something you’ll be excited about and work towards that!

Now , Let’s take action!

Everyday you won’t feel 100% motivated and that’s ok. It’s not always going to be the best workout. It doesn’t always need to be about how many calories we can burn or how heavy or fast we can go. It just needs to be about showing up!

So motivated or not, get there anyway. The more we start showing up for ourselves, the quicker it becomes a habit. Once it’s become a habit, it’s going to fall right into your regular routine. And once you’ve hit that point, you can start checking goals off your list.


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