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Why BACKWARD exercises are BENEFICIAL even though they feel AWKWARD!

NUMA Fitness

At NUMA we take your typical bear crawls and walking lunges and kick them up a notch! We do them BACKWARDS! I get asked often, “Why does it feel so AWKARD going backwards?!” It’s going to in the beginning, but continuing these exercises has many benefits! Here are some!


· enhanced sense of body awareness

· increased body coordination and movement in space

· enhanced sense of body awareness


· helps with balance

· burns calories

· strengthens bones and muscles

· boosts energy levels

· elevates body’s metabolism

When exercising backward, you’re forcing your body to adapt to new and unfamiliar demands, which causes growth in your physical fitness. Hello coordination!!! This is one more way we work SMART here at NUMA!

If you’re looking for a challenging workout in a fun, supportive community, we’d love for you to try us out! Message us today!




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